Defect assessment and pipeline reinforcing sleeves
We offer welded and non-welded sleeve design and provide also steel sleeves to be welded to the pipeline by circumferential welds and tailored design of repair sleeves for leaking defects. Used epoxy composite resin features high adhesion to steel and high hardness for perfect transmission of strain from the pipe wall to the sleeve. We provide and install carbon fiber–epoxy pipeline reinforcing wraps suitable for repair of pipeline elbows and branch connections.
CEPS reinforcing steel sleeves filled with epoxy composition have been extensively tested and approved as a permanent repair method of defects on high-pressure pipelines transporting gas, oil and other chemicals.
CEPS provides an in-ditch assessment of pipeline defects and analysis of defect severity, design, delivery and installation of steel pipeline reinforcing sleeves, grouted pipeline reinforcing sleeves and carbon fibre-epoxy pipeline repair wraps.
Our pipeline repair sleeves and wraps are suitable for any defects with a depth up to 80% WT, for pipes with enormous ovality, bends, tees and defective welds.
Reinforced pipeline length is unlimited; the installation can be made without shut-down of the pipeline.
Technical data
Installation temperature | from −20 to +50 °C |
Epoxy curing time | 24 hours |
Required pipe surface quality | Grit-blasted SA 2,5 or metalized |
20% reduction of operating pressure is recommended for critical defects during the installation from safety reasons |
Reinforcing effects
- Protection against the bulging and bursting of the defect
- Permanent reduction of static and cyclic loading of defect from internal pressure
Design of the epoxy composition-filled sleeves has been certified by the top National Research Institute for Materials – SVÚM Prague, based on tensometric measurements, pressure tests, fatigue tests and tests of thermal resistance on samples from pipelines DN 500 and DN 1000.
High level of integrity, high cyclic loading resistance of repaired pipes and no sleeve degradation were proved by tests on repaired pipes cut out from crude oil pipeline DN 500 after a long period of operation.
CEPS pipeline repair services
CEPS offers different types of sleeves as follows
- Grouted steel sleeves welded or non-welded to the pipeline
- Emergency bolted sleeves – permanent repair for non-leaking defects
- Pressure-resistant welded sleeves – permanent repair for any defect with a risk of a leak
- Welded sleeves for leaking defects – individual tailored design
- Carbon composite sleeves – reinforcement of elbows, tees, smooth defects without sharp edges