Alternative drive for inspection pigs
Using water for driving inspection tools, in combination with the technology of pipeline drying by dry air as the desiccant, offers a realistic option for in-line inspection even in the case of pipelines for which the conventional method, i.e., the inspection tool drifting in the flow of the fuel being transported, cannot be employed. In addition, a modification – well tested in practice – of this method, whereby the inspection pig is pushed through the pipe as part of a water plug driven by compressed air, the time needed for the whole process can be shortened and water consumption can be considerably reduced.
The aqueous environment can also be used for ultrasonic inspection tools, which offer a more comprehensive picture of the condition of the inspected pipe than MFL tools.
The advantages of driving inspection tools by water are mainly beneficial in the gas industry, in which the application of ultrasonic technology for in-line inspection would mean a significant upgrade in ensuring pipeline integrity.
Read more in the article Alternative drive for inspection pigs (PDF, Czech language, 216 kB).