Quality, safety and environmental protection policy
Main objectives
The main objective of CEPS a.s. is the highest satisfaction of the needs of domestic and foreign customers with a high degree of safety of our employees and also third parties and minimizing the negative impact on the environment. We are oriented to this aim by consistent respect for customers’ requirements.

In all our activities we care about making and compliance with such work practices and technologies, not to be the source of any threat to the health of our workers or other persons.
We consistently take care of preventing or at least reducing the negative impact of our activities on the environment. Every one of our employees holds the responsibility for it.
In the management system of CEPS a.s. are integrally incorporated all these aspects.
Expertise and sustainable development
We want to maintain and strengthen our position as a recognized expert authority on evaluating and improving the reliability and safety of high-pressure piping systems. We are always ready for active professional support to the solution of all problems related to the construction, operation and maintenance of piping systems. Therefore, we put strong emphasis on continuous technical and technological development as well as maintaining and improving the quality of our works. This allows us to provide above standard guarantee.
Occupational health and safety
Used technologies fully respect the principles of occupational safety and protect the health of our employees and other persons.

Environmental protection
In our work, we promote environmental concerns. One of the main goals of technological growth of the company is the development and adoption of working procedures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment.
To contribute actively to the environment, for activities where there are negative effects on the environment limited by legal regulations, we set as maximum values the limit of 90% of the values permitted by law.

For more information about our aims and commitments in the area of environment you can find in the environmental profile of CEPS.
The quality of the company determines the quality of staff. Therefore CEPS a.s. provides for its staff continuous improvement of the professional level and expects from its employees permanent efforts for obtaining and use of new knowledge and experience. Company supports their publications at all levels, from professional magazines to conferences.

More information on CEPS personnel and their professional growth, see the page Development of employees’ skills
Compliance with requirements, improvement and involvement of suppliers
CEPS a.s. agrees to be permanently in accordance with the legal and technical regulations and other requirements and constantly improve the system of quality, occupational safety and environmental protection and also conditions of its control.
Into the system of quality of CEPS a.s. are included as well as our subcontractors. We require from them proof, maintaining and improving of the quality of supplies with the same strict conditions, as we ask ourselves.
All of our employees obey this policy. They are encouraged to take it as a basis for maintaining and improving our common prosperity.

Petr Crha,
Jesenice, 1 August 2005