NET4GAS reference letter
We appreciate the recognition that company NET4GAS expressed to us for cleaning, calibration, hydrostatic tests and drying we have carried out on the DN 1400 Gazelle.

NET4GAS reference letter
We appreciate the recognition that company NET4GAS expressed to us for cleaning, calibration, hydrostatic tests and drying we have carried out on the DN 1400 Gazelle.
NET4GAS reference letter
CEPS a.s., Mr. Petr Crha, Průmyslová zóna, Belnická 628, 252 42 Jesenice u Prahy
NET4GAS reference letter – In Prague – July 16, 2013
Net4Gas company, investor and operator of the pipeline DN 1400 Gazelle, expresses its appreciation of CEPS, which carried out cleaning, calibration, hydrostatic tests and drying of 52 km Lot1B section of this pipeline during the second half of 2012.
The staff of CEPS demonstrated its high professionalism, experience and loyalty to the investor even in extreme hilly area, hard weather conditions and in a very tight time schedule.
Ing. Pavel Nesládek
Senior manager, projects
Ing. Martin Janíček
Construction manager
NET4GAS, s.r.o., Na Hřebenech II 1718/8,
140 21 Prague 4–Nusle, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 220 221 111, Fax: +420 220 225 498,
GAZELLE-N4G-OTH-0087-L-0-Reference Gazelle
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