ISO 3834-2:2021 Welding process certificate
CEPS’s welding system is certified according to EN ISO 3834-2:2021 by the DOM – ZO 13 company.

Verify @ DOM ZO – 13EN ISO 3834-2:2021
Welding process certificate
CEPS’s welding system is certified according to EN ISO 3834-2:2021 by the DOM – ZO 13 company.
Verify @ DOM ZO – 13EN ISO 3834-2:2021
Welding process certificate
DOM – ZO 13, s.r.o., Technická inspekce COV – Litomyšlská 560, CZ 560 02 Česká Třebová, IČ 252 61 908.
Certification body certifying products No 3148 accredited by the ČIA according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013 issues the
No. ZCV-21-310/C0 (revision no. 1)
which confirms that the organization
CEPS a.s.
Address: Belnická 628, 252 42 Jesenice, Czech Republic
ID: 257 21 551
Unit: Skladatele Kopřivy 170, 439 02 Cítoliby, Czech Republic
has demonstrated conformity of the welding process with the requirements of the standard
EN ISO 3834-2:2021
in accordance with the certification scheme TD201, processed according to certification scheme type 6 of the standard EN ISO/IEC 17067:2013
within the following scope
Welding in activities: construction, installation, repair, inspection, inspections and tests, emptying and chemical cleaning of pipes
More information on the scope of certification is given in the annex to the certificate, which forms its integral part and contains 1 page.
Replaces certificate No ZCV-21-310/C01 dated 21.06.2021.
Organization is certified from
Certificate validity until
Praha, date 21.06.2022
Ing. Miloslav Musil
Deputy Head of Certification Body
The validity of the certificate is subject to meeting the standards under which the system is certified and compliance with the provisions of the agreement on inspection activities No ZCV-21-310/S01 concluded between the certified organization and certification body.
Č. formuláře: TD201-F601-Aj Verze: 22-06 Účinnost od: 01.06.2022 © DOM – ZO 13, s.r.o., 2022 Soubor: ZCV-21-310-F601-Aj Certif C01 3834 Revize 1
Page 1
Type of product
Welding steel pipework
Product standards or alternative standard
EN 12732+A1
Parent materials group (according to CEN ISO/TR 15608)
1.1, 1.2, 2.1
Welding and allied processes (according to ISO 4063)
Welding process (ISO 4063) | Parent material group (CEN ISO/TR 15608) | Dimensions of the parent material (mm) | Note |
111 | 1.2 | BW: 3-23,8; FW: 5-14,3 |
Re max. 355 MPa |
111 | 2.1 | BW: 3-20; FW: 5-12 |
Re max. 460 MPa |
111 | 1.1 | FW 3,0-32,0 | Re max. 355 MPa |
Job function / Competency levels according to ISO 14731 | Name, date of birth | Qualification |
Welding Coordinator / Comprehensive (C) | Ing. Jakub Křivánek, 11.04.1994 | IWE/CZ 21035 |
Organization is certified from
Certificate validity until
Praha, date 21.06.2022
Ing. Miloslav Musil
Deputy Head of Certification Body
For more documents and other information, see the section about us
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact CEPS responsible persons
general manager – CEO
phone +420 241 021 547
sales manager
phone +420 606 641 328
phone +420 241 021 511
fax +420 241 021 512
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