Certificate of insurance
Company CEPS, currently insured by insurance company Generali Česká pojišťovna, has an insurance policy which covers damages caused by CEPS
- for damages caused to the third parties, for damages or harm caused by a defective product and for damages on environment including contamination of water resources; the insured amount is 50,000,000 CZK (approx. 2.0 million EUR),
- for damage included in environmental harm; the insured amount is 28,000,000 CZK (approx. 1.1 million EUR),
- for damages to items taken over for performing contracted operations or for used items, for financial damages and regression compensations; the insured amount is 5,000,000 CZK.

Certificate of insurance (page 1)

Certificate of insurance (page 2)

Certificate of insurance (page 3)